Episode 1: Elections
Pope Francis urged us not to be afraid of ‘making trouble’ in order to advance the Gospel. What does that say about our approach to elections? Action Items: 1. Study the Bishops document on political responsibility by using the Living the Gospel of Life Study Guide
2. Refer to PoliticalResponsibility.com for the latest information on the elections.
3. Conduct non-partisan voter registration in your Church. Featured Products: Brochures: 1) Voting with a Clear Conscience Brochure. 2) Caesar Must Obey God 3) Are You A Single Issues Person 4) Religious Beliefs Abortion & The Law
Episode 2: Update on RU-486 Reversal
Find new meaning to the phrase, ‘It’s not too late,’ and you’ll see how those can be words that save a life from abortion. Guest: Dr. Delgado Action Items: Get the word out to sidewalk counselors that RU-486 can be reversed. Encourage the Prolife doctor in your community to contact Dr Delgado about being listed on the website: AbortionPillReversal.com Featured Product: The Catholic View For Women Season 3 DVDs
Episode 3: St John Paul ll, His Pro-life Legacy!
What does it mean when a Pope becomes a saint and how does the canonization of John Paul II affect the pro-life movement? Action Items: Read Evangelium Vitae by St. Pope John Paul II and use the Priests for Life Evangelium Vitae Study Guide Featured Product: Saint John Paul ll Prayer Cards
Episode 4: Winning In The States on Fetal Pain!
Without a doubt, this is the next major step forward in advancing legal protection for the children in the womb, and find out why abortion supporters are so afraid of it.
Guest: Carlo Bellien, Neonatologist, Ospedale Universitario di Siena, Member of the Pontifical Academy For Life Featured Product: Where Is Your Brother? Expanding the Beloved Community, CD & DVD
Episode 5: I Aborted Motherhood and Helped Others Do The Same!
What kind of health facility would allow today’s guest to wear a white coat and stethoscope, and take care of patients alone without knowing anything about medical issues? Guest: Catherine Adair, Former Employee Planned Parenthood of Boston Action: Be on the lookout for former providers and spread the word that the place to point them is Priests for Life, which provides help through the Centurions. Sign them up for SocietyofCenturions.com. Featured Product: Recall Abortion by Janet Morana
Episode 6: Words of Encouragement From Down Under
Some say there’s more than one Catholic teaching on the matter, but this bishop and theologian says the case is closed and the faithful should be encouraged! Guest: Bishop Anthony Fisher, O.P., Bishop of the Diocese of Parramatta, Australia and Professor of Moral Theology & Bioethics John Paul ll Institute, Melbourne Featured Product: Saint John Paul ll Prayer Cards Action Item: Join and promote The Missionaries of the Gospel of Life (MEV), because this is the spirituality of pro-life that keeps people encouraged and strengthened. Contact Priests for Life at Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 for the formation booklet.
Episode 7: HHS Mandate, Priests for Life Fighting Back and Lessons Learned!
Of all the groups that challenged the HHS mandate, which ones were best suited to carry the torch? Guest: Robert Muise, Esq., American Freedom Law Center Action: Spread the testimonies found in The Contraception of Grief. Other resources on this topic include, Preaching on Contraception brochure and Humanae Vitae Study Guide. Featured Product: Rosary for Life CD
Episode 8: Doing the Most Good Possible: How To Make Sense of the Imperfect Progress
It is a matter that divides some pro-life people from one another and even from the Church. We will find some clues to healing that division. Guests: Msgr. Angel Rodriguez Luño. Professor of Fundamental Moral Theology Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life Featured Product: The Chaplet of Divine Mercy with Fr. Frank Pavone
Episode 9: Regretting My Abortion Led Me to Be A Voice For the Unborn!
Meet the woman whose life’s mission has been to bring people a window to our hidden neighbor in the womb! Guests: Shari Richard, R.D.M.S, Founder of Sound Wave Images Action: Promote the imagery Shari provides and the embryoscopy imagery – Unborn.info Featured Product: Recall Abortion by Janet Morana
Episode 10: Diversity in the Pro-Life Movement
What happens when people disagree about pro-life strategy? Does the Church require that there be only one strategy? Guest: Fr. John Fleming, Adelaide, South Australia, Lecturer at the John Paul Institute, Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life Featured Product: The Catholic View For Women Season 3 DVDs
Episode 11: Coerced Abortion in the Military
An inside look at something that happens in the military that few speak about but many suffer from. Guest: Shannon Silva Action: Read and spread post-abortion testimonies Featured Product: Recall Abortion by Janet Morana
Episode 12: West Point or My Unborn Child, What Was Chosen?
A soldier’s view of the military, parenting, and abortion. Guests: Chuck Raymond and Jody Duffy Featured Product: Recall Abortion by Janet Morana
Episode 13: Generation Life
God has put a wonderful spirit in the young to fight for life and for purity. On this episode, you will see more evidence of how true that is! Guest: Christina Barba, Generation Life Featured Product: My Children Don’t Practice The Faith! What Do I Do? Contact Priests for Life at Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 for your copy of this free pamphlet.