"Defending Life" Season 8 (2003)

This series of programs on abortion aired on EWTN from March 2003 through February 2004.

* Dr. Theresa Burke, Ph.D. -- Two shows with Dr. Burke discuss the psychological damage abortion does, and the dynamics of healing. In particular, Dr. Burke's book Forbidden Grief is discussed, as well as the retreat-based healing program she has developed, called Rachel's Vineyard.

Is abortion OK in cases of rape? Most Americans say "yes," but you are not likely to be among them after listening to Cynthia and Jenni Speltz. They talk with Fr. Frank about their lives: Cynthia was raped, and conceived Jenni. Along with a discussion of their experiences, you will learn about a powerful book, Victims and Victors, that contains the testimonies of others who were raped and had their children, some who had abortions, and others who were conceived in rape or incest.

* The Unwilling Audience. Fr. Frank and his assistant Janet Morana discuss one of the most important strategic concepts in the pro-life effort: To achieve our goal, we must reach those who are not voluntarily looking for the message. If our educational efforts are limited only to activities that depend on the voluntary consent of the target audience, we will not succeed in influencing enough people to change our culture. Learn in this program how you and your pro-life group can reach the "unwilling audience."

* Sidewalk Counseling and Activism. Fr. Frank is joined by Joseph Scheidler of the Pro-life Action League to discuss the latest resources on sidewalk counseling as well as the Face the Truth tours that are exposing the reality of abortion to people all over the nation.

* A Life-Changing Photograph. You have probably seen the photo of the unborn child who, during fetal surgery, thrust his hand through the uterus. This interview with Michael Clancy, the photographer, will bring you through the story of how it happened. Commentary was prepared with the assistance of our Biomedical Consultant, Dr. Elsa O'Donnell.

* Pro-life Basics. Fr. Frank and Janet Morana discuss the basics of the pro-life argument. This show is a good tool for new activists to get started and for long-time activists to review some fundamental concepts.

* Connecting with Clergy. Fr. Frank and Janet Morana discuss the most frequent question they encounter around the country: What can we do to get our priests more involved in the pro-life effort? This show presents a positive approach to informing and encouraging the clergy, and shows you the resources you can use from Priests for Life.

* Political Responsibility. In anticipation of next year's elections, Fr. Frank reviews why and how we need to be involved in electing our leaders, and what issues need to be central to our decisions about whom to elect. Above any loyalty to party is our loyalty to Jesus Christ, and foundational to any other issue is that of the right to life.

* Dr. Philip Ney joins Fr. Frank for four powerful shows about the damage abortion does and the long road to healing. In particular, the link between child abuse and abortion is explored. Dr. Ney, a child psychiatrist from Canada, and founder of the International Institute on Pregnancy Loss and Child Abuse Research and Recovery has found that a key factor leading to a woman's abortion is her experience of abuse or neglect when she was a child, and a key factor explaining why someone abuses her child is that she had an abortion.

Also explored in the interviews with Dr. Ney are the dynamics of "Post-abortion Survivor Syndrome." Abortion affects surviving siblings, as well as all who grow up in a society that tells them they are alive not because they are "welcomed," but because they are "wanted."

Dr. Ney also explores the road to healing for former abortionists, as well as how to discuss a past abortion within the family, and in particular with one's children.

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
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