Began airing March 5, 2020
This series on EWTN features Executive Director Janet Morana, with co-host Fr. Scott Daniels, OP and others as they discuss pro-life strategies and interview fascinating guests.
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See our media schedule to find the topic for each week.
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Airing Schedule: Each episode premiers on EWTN each week Thursdays at 10:30 pm ET and repeats on Mondays at 3:30 am ET.

Episode 1: Laws Allowing Infanticide, How Did We Get Here?

This episode examines what the abortion lobby has been doing in various states to keep abortion legal in the event that Roe vs. Wade is reversed, and to remove protection even from babies who are born alive.

Featured Product: Proclaiming the Message of Life: Weekly Reflections from the Lectionary. Preaching and teaching about abortion from the pulpit or other catechetical settings can be a challenging yet essential undertaking for any pastor, deacon or pro-life advocate. In Proclaiming the Message of Life, Fr. Frank Pavone shows clergy and laity alike the pro-life themes found in the Sunday readings for each week of the year, in all three cycles of the lectionary. This makes a good gift for preachers as well as for laity who want to draw out the pro-life lessons from the readings.

Episode 2: See How One Person Helped Close An Abortion Clinic!

This episode highlights the example of two women who are pro-life leaders in Ohio and whose example can inspire others to close abortion clinics and provide help to those who need alternatives.

Guests: Vivian Koob, Founder of Elizabeth’s New Life Center and Debbie Nieport, Director of Development, Elizabeth’s New Life Center

Featured Product: In the Palm of His Hand. This popular little prayer book  from Fr. Frank Pavone will enrich your private and public prayer to bring about a culture of life. This little treasury of prayer now includes your favorite novenas, found at, post-abortion healing prayers and more. 58 pages.

Prayer for the Closing of an Abortion Mill


Episode 3: Holding His Son in the Palm of His Hand Led Him to Be A Pro-Life Activist!

This show highlights the pro-life work and moving witness of one of the key pro-life leaders in the African-American community, Rev. Walter Hoye, Founder Issues 4 Life.

Featured Product: Shockwaves: Abortion’s Wider Circle of Victims . This new book by Janet Morana, Executive Director of Priests for Life shines a bright light on the undeniable truth of abortion, that it impacts everyone.


Episode 4: How Do We Overturn Roe V Wade & Doe V Bolton?

This show takes a closer look, with the help of a legal expert, on what is needed in order to reverse the decisions that legalized abortion in America.

Guest: Clarke Forsythe, Senior Counsel at Americans United For Life 

Featured Product: Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day. This book by Fr. Frank Pavone will enrich your daily prayer life with new vigor to stand up for the unborn! This is a devotional prayer book, one of the "Spiritual Life" series that Catholic Book Publishing Company has produced for years. The book is 192 pages with vinyl binding and ribbon. In exchange for one minute a day, your spiritual life will be nourished throughout the day with pro-life vigor!

Episode 5: How To Handle The Tough Arguments About Abortion

This episode highlights the work of pro-life leader Josh Brahm and the Equal Rights Institute, specializing in helping people speak calmly and charitably about abortion, and approaching their pastors in positive ways to do something about it.

Featured Product: Proclaiming The Message of Life: Weekly Reflections from the LectionaryPreaching and teaching about abortion from the pulpit or other catechetical settings can be a challenging yet essential undertaking for any pastor, deacon or pro-life advocate. In Proclaiming the Message of Life, Fr. Frank Pavone shows clergy and laity alike the pro-life themes found in the Sunday readings for each week of the year, in all three cycles of the lectionary. This makes a good gift for preachers as well as for laity who want to draw out the pro-life lessons from the readings.

Episode 6: Fatherhood Redeemed

Rev. David Williams is an example and resource for men on the question of abortion, and the forgiveness that can follow that terrible mistake. He shares his insights and encouragement during this episode.

Featured Product: In the Palm of His Hand. This popular little prayer book from Fr. Frank Pavone will enrich your private and public prayer to bring about a culture of life. This little treasury of prayer includes your favorite novenas, found at, post-abortion healing prayers and more. 58 pages

Episode 7: Reaching Millennials with The Pro-life Message

This episode leads viewers to a deeper understanding of the relationship of Millennials to the abortion issue and the pro-life movement, in an effort to help the movement not only convey the pro-life message to them but welcome them into the ranks of those who actively fight abortion.

Guest: Kelsey Hazzard, Founder and President, Secular Pro-Life and member of Equal Rights Institute's Board of Advisors.

Featured ProductShockwaves: Abortion’s Wider Circle of Victims . This book by Janet Morana, Executive Director of Priests for Life shines a bright light on the undeniable truth of abortion, that it impacts everyone.

Episode 8: Elections Can Help Us Bring An End To Abortion, Find Out How!

This episode helps prepare viewers to engage as faithful citizens in our upcoming national elections, and help others do the same, utilizing Church teaching and practical political wisdom and time-tested techniques.

Featured Product: Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day. This book by Fr. Frank Pavone will enrich your daily prayer life with new vigor to stand up for the unborn! This is a devotional prayer book, one of the "Spiritual Life" series that Catholic Book Publishing Company has produced for years. The book is 192 pages with vinyl binding and ribbon. In exchange for one minute a day, your spiritual life will be nourished throughout the day with pro-life vigor!

Episode 9: It’s not Exactly Freedom of Choice!

Catherine Glenn Foster, President and CEO of Americans United for Life is an attorney who leads one of the major pro-life groups making a difference in Washington, DC. In this episode she shares her own abortion experience, and how it shows that the abortion industry is, in fact, not interested in freedom of choice.

Featured ProductShockwaves: Abortion’s Wider Circle of Victims . This book by Janet Morana, Executive Director of Priests for Life shines a bright light on the undeniable truth of abortion, that it impacts everyone.

Episode 10: Abortion Is A Crime Against Humanity!

The pro-life movement is focusing more on the fact, and language, that abortion is a crime against humanity. In this episode, one of the key legal experts in the pro-life movement explains how this and other key arguments can help the courts once again recognize the rights of the children in the womb.

Guest: Allan Parker, President, The Justice Foundation

Featured ProductIn the Palm of His Hand. This popular little prayer book from Fr. Frank Pavone will enrich your private and public prayer to bring about a culture of life. This little treasury of prayer includes your favorite novenas, found at, post-abortion healing prayers and more. 58 pages

Join the Moral Outcry

Episode 11: Reflections of A Pro-life Atheist!

This episode reveals how and why the effort to protect children in the womb is supported by many atheists, and how the faith community can work productively with them in that cause.

Guest: Terrisa Bukovinac, Executive Director of Pro-life San Francisco

Featured Product: Proclaiming The Message of Life: Weekly Reflections from the Lectionary. Preaching and teaching about abortion from the pulpit or other catechetical settings can be a challenging yet essential undertaking for any pastor, deacon or pro-life advocate. In Proclaiming the Message of Life, Fr. Frank Pavone shows clergy and laity alike the pro-life themes found in the Sunday readings for each week of the year, in all three cycles of the lectionary. This makes a good gift for preachers as well as for laity who want to draw out the pro-life lessons from the readings.

Episode 12: A Journey Through A Baby’s First Nine Months

A coalition of pro-life groups coordinated by Priests for Life is taking the world on a journey through the development of a baby in the womb, utilizing a powerful app and striking video of the child, along with key facts about fetal development.

Featured ProductIn the Palm of His Hand. This popular little prayer book from Fr. Frank Pavone will enrich your private and public prayer to bring about a culture of life. This little treasury of prayer includes your favorite novenas, found at, post-abortion healing prayers and more. 58 pages

Episode 13: Churches and Elections

Our national elections require the active participate of Churches, and in our day, Churches can do a lot more than they realize to prepare their people for elections. This episode examines some of the tools and strategies that are available to all of us.

Featured Product: Proclaiming The Message of Life: Weekly Reflections from the Lectionary. Preaching and teaching about abortion from the pulpit or other catechetical settings can be a challenging yet essential undertaking for any pastor, deacon or pro-life advocate. In Proclaiming the Message of Life, Fr. Frank Pavone shows clergy and laity alike the pro-life themes found in the Sunday readings for each week of the year, in all three cycles of the lectionary. This makes a good gift for preachers as well as for laity who want to draw out the pro-life lessons from the readings.

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: