Defending Life

Defending Life is the longest-running, farthest-reaching TV series on abortion. Mother Angelica herself asked Fr. Frank Pavone to start it back in 1994 and it aired on EWTN until 2024.

Watch Selected Episodes on the EWTN Website and here at this link.

The night before I was going to have an abortion, something woke me up and I saw your Defending Life program. Now I'm having my baby -- A TV Viewer

I..just finished watching Defending Life which featured Catherine Adair. Her testimony was so full of truth and information and I am so happy I saw this tonight!!! I can use so much of her info in sidewalk counseling at Planned Parenthood.  Program was great and thank you! - A TV Viewer

Pro-Life Activity List

Defending Life Season 35 (2022)

Thirteen episodes include: The Overturning of Roe v. Wade; The Moral & Spiritual Injury Of Abortion; Prolife Wins Elections!;  Abortion and Communion and more...

Defending Life Season 34 (2020)

Thirteen episodes include Laws Allowing Infanticide, Overturning Roe V Wade & Doe V Bolton, Reaching Millennials With The Pro-life Message and more.

Defending Life Season 33 (2018)

Thirteen episodes include Political Responsibility, The Reality of Late Term Abortion, Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion, The Pain Capable bill and more..

Defending Life Season 32 (2017)
Thirteen episodes include Supreme Court and Abortion, My Abortion Led me Into Pro-Life Action, Project Save our Babies, Breaking The Silence In The Black Community, and more...
Defending Life Season 31 (2017)
Thirteen episodes include Lost Fatherhood Redeemed, Now I Know About My Nightmares!, How to Find a Pro-Life Doctor, Looking Back On the Early Days of the Pro-Life Movement and more...
Defending Life Season 30 (2016)
Thirteen episodes include Ten Responses to Pro-Abortion Politicians, Being Homeless and Choosing Life, End of Life and Advance Directives, Eucharistic Processions for Life and more...
Defending Life Season 29 (2016)
Thirteen episodes include Divine Mercy, Abortion and the Year of Mercy, Ministering to Latino Youth, Did My Baby Feel Pain? and more.
Defending Life Season 28 (2015)

Thirteen episodes include Be Not Afraid: The Legacy of St John Paul ll, Forced Abortion in China and Sex Selection Abortion, Fetal Pain Legislation and more.

Defending Life Season 27 (2015)
Thirteen episodes include Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion, A Look Inside the Pontifical Academy for Life, the Whistle Blower Campaign and more.
Defending Life Season 25 (2015)
Thirteen episodes include the story of an RU-486 reversal, diversity in the pro-life movement, encouragement from Down Under and more.
Defending Life Season 24 (2014)

Thirteen episodes include information about miscarriage, women being murdered in abortion clinics, progress on the state level and much more.

Defending Life Season 23 (2012)
Thirteen episodes include information about a brand new book, how to get abortion supporters to help us end abortion, stories of conversion and more.
Defending Life Season 22 (2012)

Thirteen episodes include elections guidance, lessons from a Saint's daughter, ways that you can end abortion and more.

Defending Life Season 19 (2012)
Thirteen episodes include pro-choice to pro-life conversions, how to get abortion supporters to help us end abortion, election information and more.
Defending Life Season 18 (2011)
Learn the latest methods for protecting the unborn, and be inspired by the Church’s teaching and the example of pro-life warriors.
Defending Life Season 17 (2010)
This seventeenth season features many different aspects of the pro-life movement.
Defending Life Season 16 (2010)

This sixteenth season will introduce a video with the most vivid, powerful, and striking videography of the unborn child that exists.

Defending Life Season 15 (2009)
13 episodes of fascinating guests, inspirational stories and pro-life education.
Defending Life Season 14 (2009)

The 2009 season has a special feature called "Ask Fr. Frank" with an accompanying website that will be updated regularly.

Defending Life Season 13 (2008)

The 2008 season was taped in the fall of 2007 and has a bonus episode.

Defending Life Season 12 (2007)

The 2007 season was taped in the summer of 2006 and has a new feature, "From the Mail Bag," where Fr. Frank answers questions from viewers.

Defending Life Season 11 (2006)
The 2006 season was taped in the summer of 2005.
Defending Life Season 10 (2005)

The 2005 season was taped in August of 2004 and brought in a host of pro-life experts. This series had a special focus on post-abortion healing, including for fathers of aborted children. The series also got back to some very basic questions, like what keeps us from being more vocal about abortion, and what can we do to change that?

Defending Life Season 9 (2004)

The 2004 series was taped in July of 2003. Among the things you will see are a doctor demonstrating exactly how the most common abortion procedures are done, another doctor performing surgery on unborn twins, a teenager talking about how she felt when she found out her mom aborted her sister, some famous entertainers talking about their abortions, the exciting developments with the national Silent No More Awareness Campaign, and what you need to know to participate as a Christian in the elections of 2004! Click here for more details.

Defending Life Season 8 (2003)

The 2003 season was taped in July of 2002. With the help of Janet Morana, Associate Director, these programs provide specific recommendations for action items to help end abortion. There is a special focus in this series on post-abortion healing, with the assistance of psychologists and psychiatrists.

Defending Life Season 7 (2002)
The 2002 season was taped from July 9-13, 2001. Click on the link above for details of these new programs.
Defending Life Season 6 (2001)
The 2001 season was taped from August 7-11, 2000. Click on the link above for details of these new programs.
Defending Life Season 5 (2000)
The 2000 series was taped from August 24-28, 1999. Click on the link above for details of these new programs.
Defending Life Season 4 (1999)
The 1999 season was taped from August 24-28, 1998. These thirteen shows, to be aired in 1999, give a realistic look at the many dimensions of the tragedy of abortion, at the progress which the pro-life movement is making to counteract it, and at the work that remains to be done. Click on the link above for details of these new programs
Defending Life Season 3 (1998)
The 1998 season was taped from August 18-23, 1997. The constant focus of these shows on abortion is meant to emphasize that this tragedy is indeed the worst violation of human rights taking place at the present time, and demands the highest priority in the pastoral efforts of the Church and the efforts of all people of good will to build a truly just society and a world of peace. Click on the link above for details of these new programs.
Defending Life Season 2 (1997)

The 1997 season was taped in the summer of 1996.

Defending Life Season 1 (1995-1996)
Videotaped at the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) in January 1995, this 14-part pro-life series presents 7 hours of testimonies, documentation, and interviews. Click on the link above for details about the programs.

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
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